
Papers for Mac/iPad

Anyone involved in the sciences, whether it be graduate students/post-docs/professors/whoever, face a common problem: the organization of papers....pdf journal articles from peer reviewed papers.  As a graduate student, one great solution to this problem I have discovered is Papers (http://mekentosj.com/papers/).  Papers is like iTunes for scientific journal articles.  It allows you to store, organize, annotate, etc scientific journal articles on your mac.  It will also store all the relevant citation information in the metadata for each paper.  This is really handy when it comes to writing.  It is similar to Mendeley (free download from http://www.mendeley.com/), however I think the functionality of Papers meets my needs better.  Furthermore, with the Papers for iPad app, I can wirelessly sync my Papers library on my mac with my iPad and access it offline anywhere in the world.  I love this function.  Mendeley requires setting up an account online and what not, something Papers does not.  I wish the viewable screen area of the iPad were the standard 8.5x11, but I'm getting used to reading on it.  Anyway, if you're working in science and have a Mac and/or an iPad/iPhone, check out Papers.  I love it so far. Note: In order to wirelessly sync Papers for iPad and Papers on your Mac, your network needs to support bonjour traffic.  If it does not (like my university), create a wireless network on your mac under the airport menu and connect your iPad/iPhone to your computer's network.  Open Papers on the Mac and open Papers on the iPad/iPhone and it will sync.  Google this if you have problems.  Cheers!